28 November 2010


Two great things come from infusing oils here.  The oil infusion itself, which is used for various ointments and salves, and Knot-Suds.

Knot-Suds, a play on words regarding the fact that it is not a bubble bath, is a cheese-cloth bundle of the oil-soaked botanicals from the infusion process.  They make for a sumptuous soaking experience in the bathtub!

This round of Knot-Suds are lavender with sweet almond oil.  Each bundle is good for one soaking bath, and can be composted after use (except the ribbon tying it off).

1 comment:

Jessica Shenefield, LMBT (NC License #8367) said...

12/3/10: eight footbaths and two full-size baths will be available for purchase at the Burlington Christmas Market.

Next weekend will be the last batch this season.

Footbath: $1
Full-size: $4